CT Early Childhood Advocacy Day

Date: April 14, 2021

Start Time: 9:30 am

End Time: 11 am

Online - Zoom

CT Early Childhood Advocacy Day is Wednesday, April 14 via Zoom. This annual event, sponsored by the CT Early Childhood Alliance, is an opportunity to let our elected officials know about the issues related to early childhood, thank them for their support, and let them know how they can help.

The 5 legislators who cover Southington have been invited to attend during the 10:00 legislative breakout.

Please let the ECCS Director know (southingtonearlychildhood@gmail.com) if you register to attend so we can get us all in the same breakout room. Also, let her know if you are interested in sharing your story about the impact of Covid.

Early Childhood Advocacy Day Agenda

9:30 Intro and stories.
10:00 Breakout with legislators.
10:30 Governor Lamont
11:00 End

The pandemic reminded us all that child care is an essential service. Unprecedented Federal aid has helped stave off the collapse of child care programs but has not solved the underlying problem that quality care costs more than most families can afford, there isn’t enough care available, and early educators are some of the lowest-paid workers in the economy.

Join us as we advocate for change!

  • More funding for subsidized care
  • Allow parents in job training or school access to Care4Kids
  • Support the creation of more Family Child Care homes
  • Create a CT Child Tax Credit