“High quality, engaging, and accessible mathematics education for 3-to-6 year-old children is a vital foundation for future mathematics learning.” – The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and the National Association for the Education of Young Children
Thanks to support by the Southington Education Foundation, math conceptual development kits have been purchased for every family day care provider, nursery school and child care center in town. These math kits were conceptualized and created as a partnership between the Southington Public Schools (SPS) Math Coordinator’s Office and the Early Childhood Collaborative of Southington (ECCS).
Directors and staff at Southington’s early childcare providers are invited to this free workshop to learn about math skills for young children and activities to do with these the manipulatives.
The math manipulative kits are be both innovative and instructional and will provide preschoolers with a play-based math learning opportunity. These kits will also advance critical thinking skills and provide preschoolers with the opportunity to practice their communication and social skills.
The free math conceptual development kits will be distributed at this event. The kit contents, packaged in a plastic box, include Unifix Cubes, Pattern Blocks, Attribute Blocks, dice, instructions and more.
Come learn how to use these tools and activities.
The workshop is sponsored by the Early Childhood Collaborative of Southington and the Southington Public Schools District Math Office.
Training by: Dale Riedinger, Math Coordinator for Southington Public Schools
Networking and registration start at 6:30 pm. Presentation starts at 7 pm.
A continuing education certificate will be provided by the ECCS.
Free childcare is available if requested in advance.
Register via the green link below: