The Early Childhood Collaborative of Southington (ECCS) will host a presentation on “Early Childhood in Southington” on Wednesday morning, June 7, 2023 at the Southington Community Cultural Arts Center.
Doors will open for networking at 7:30 am, breakfast will be served by 7:45 am. The program and discussion will run from 8 to 9:30 am. Register here.
The agenda will include a presentation by Joanne Kelleher, Executive Director of the ECCS and guest speakers. Joanne will give an overview of the state of early childhood in Southington including birth rates and other key data, and issues faced by children, families and childcare providers.
Guest speakers are Anne McIntyre-Lahner , CEO of Action 2 Outcomes and an Adjunct Professor at the University of Connecticut School of Public Policy, and Ron Schack, Ph.D. Managing Director of The Charter Oak Group, LLC. Anne is the author, “Stop Spinning Your Wheels: Using Results-Based Accountability to Steer Your Agency to Success.” Ron is the author of “Confessions of a Data Scientist…or Warrior-Priest? Lessons from 25 Years of Data Science, Performance Measurement, and Decision Support.” They are the co-authors of “Data is Not a Four-Letter Word: Turning Data Fear Into Data Enthusiasm,” due out soon. Anne and Ron helped the ECCS update their Community Plan.
We hope you can join us and provide your insights into issues facing young children in town.
There is no charge to attend. Please register in advance and indicate your food/drink choices so we can coordinate with the caterer.