The American Legion Auxiliary and the Southington Parks & Recreation Departments present the 16th Annual TOUCH-A-TRUCK on Saturday, June 2, 2018 (postponed from May 19).
Children can explore military, construction, fire-trucks, and other equipment.
The Early Childhood Collaborative of Southington will be there too. Please stop by our table and say hello.
The event is open to the public and will take place on the grounds of the Southington Drive-in, 995 Meriden-Waterbury Turnpike, Plantsville from 10 am to 2 pm.
$4.00 Child Admission (Adults – Free)
• Climb On/Into Construction, Military, Emergency & Other Vehicles
• Face Painting & Glitter Tattoos
• Music
• Refreshments
• Free Seedlings (Courtesy of the Southington Conservation Commission)
And Much More!!