I recently attended a workshop on Childhood Trauma which discussed the Adverse Childhood Experiences study called How Childhood Trauma Affects Health Across a Lifetime.
This ACES study was also discussed at a workshop called “Domestic Violence 101 and its Impact on Young Children“, which was presented by the Early Childhood Collaborative of Southington and Tyshaunda Wiley, MPH, Prevention Coordinator at the Prudence Crandall Center, Inc. in December 2016. Attached are the slides from this workshop which I shared with the attendees but hadn’t yet posted on the ECCS website.
I encourage you to take a look at the slides and share the information with your community, especially the video about the Adverse Childhood Experiences study (slide 33 or click here for the TED Talk), how you can help (slide 42), and the rest of the Impacts section (slides 29-41).
The Prudence Crandall Center has a 24 Hour Hotline, 1-888-774-2900, which can be called by anyone, including family members, neighbors or child care providers who have questions or concerns about the parents or children in their program. More information about Prudence Crandall Center are in the slides and at http://prudencecrandall.org/