We all know that academic skills are important, but we often forget the importance of non-academic life skills your child should have before entering kindergarten. These life skills include: Using the restroom There are a lot of steps in using the restroom independently. Can they shut and lock a bathroom stall door, undo clothing, use […]
Thank you to everyone who attended the 2018 Kindergarten Readiness Workshops to learn about the skills 3 and 4 year olds should be working on to prepare for kindergarten in the Fall of 2019. Learn more about the Kindergarten options, registration process and schedule. Unsure when to register your child for preschool or kindergarten? Check […]
On April 26, 2018, the ECCS hosted their second Developing Fine Motor Skills for Kindergarten workshop. The speaker was Sue Spatafore, an Occupational Therapist for the Southington Public Schools. Fine motor skills for kindergarten are required to accomplish a variety of activities including writing, artwork and cutting with scissors. When children don’t have the muscle […]
Thank you to everyone who attended the 2017 Kindergarten Readiness Workshops to learn about the skills 3 and 4 year olds should be working on to prepare for kindergarten in the Fall of 2018. Here are copies of the presentation materials: Development Skills – 10/25/17 K readiness intro slides 10-25-2017 ECC K Readiness workshop Development […]
The Early Childhood Collaborative of Southington has received funding for our 2017-2018 Kindergarten Readiness program for Southington children thanks to a new grant from Bristol Brass General Grant Fund and the Fuller & Myrtle Barnes Fund for Education at the Main Street Community Foundation. This initiative includes support of kindergarten readiness workshops, kindergarten registration promotion, […]
In meeting with the Southington elementary school principals, they said one of the largest issues they are seeing with incoming kindergarten students is a decline, over the last several years, in fine motor skills. This could be due to the increased use of electronic devices and a decline in traditional childhood play activities. As a […]
The Early Childhood Collaborative of Southington will present their annual Kindergarten Readiness Workshop series in October. This three-part series is for parents and caregivers of children entering Kindergarten in September 2017 and each night focuses on a different topic. Attendees can register for one, two or all three of the workshops. There is no charge […]
The Results Scorecard on the state of Southington’s youth has been updated by the ECCS with the latest data! Check it out to see main indicators related to the success and wellbeing of Southington’s children. Data is collected in the categories of Community, Health and Education. Click on the plus signs to look at the […]