“Main Street Community Foundation (MSCF) rounded out its 2024 grantmaking from the Bradley Henry Barnes and Leila Upson Barnes Memorial Trust with the awarding of $283,705 in grants to organizations that improve the health outcomes of Southington residents. Since the beginning of the year, MSCF has awarded over $910,000 from the Trust, with grants supporting […]
As parents and caregivers, keeping children safe in vehicles is a top priority. Ensuring proper child passenger safety is key, especially when you consider that in 2021, 711 child passengers ages 12 and younger were killed in motor vehicle crashes in the U.S., and in 2020 more than 63,000 were injured, as reported by the […]
Effective October 1, 2017, new car seat regulations and child passenger safety laws will be implemented in Connecticut. The new regulations list an age and weight, the child must meet both requirements. • Infants must remain rear-facing until they are a minimum of 2 years old AND 30 pounds. This is an increase of 1 […]
I recently attended a workshop on Childhood Trauma which discussed the Adverse Childhood Experiences study called How Childhood Trauma Affects Health Across a Lifetime. This ACES study was also discussed at a workshop called “Domestic Violence 101 and its Impact on Young Children“, which was presented by the Early Childhood Collaborative of Southington and Tyshaunda Wiley, MPH, […]
Connecticut 2-1-1 Child Care is a free, confidential, and statewide service which helps match the requests of parents and child care providers with programs. Available Monday – Friday from 8 am to 5 pm. Dial 211 or 1-800-505-100 or go to www.211childcare.org. Parent resources on their website include: Children’s Growth and Development IDEA Individuals with Disabilities […]