Ferdinand Sauer Family BirthPlace

The Family BirthPlace provides the services of Internationally Board-Certified Lactation Consultants. Our consultants offer special training and tips to all mothers, including mothers of Special Care Nursery newborns, who may be unable to nurse for a time.
An informal walk-in support group for nursing mothers meets Wednesdays 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM in the Family BirthPlace lounge. The group is facilitated by our certified lactation consultant. Topics may include technique, milk supply, pumping, and returning to work.

Mothers and mothers-to-be who intend to breastfeed can take advantage of a variety of resources:
Prenatal breastfeeding classes for moms and families
24-hour breastfeeding support by our specially trained nurses
Support for working moms who wish to breastfeed when they return to work
Pediatricians, neonatologists and nurses who promote breastfeeding as the healthiest way for most babies to be fed
For mothers choosing to formula feed, the staff provides advice that includes how to mix and store formula, and how to feed the baby
Breast pumps are available for use while you are here and can be ordered through insurance to be delivered to your home

New Britain General Campus, 100 Grand Street
New Britain ,

Phone: 860-224-5226

Web Site: https://thocc.org/services/maternity/departments-services/breastfeeding