The Alliance – Psychology, Advocacy, & Support

The Alliance is a team of Master's Level psychotherapists who will work with you or your loved ones. They specialize in Depression, Anxiety, ADHD, Adjustment Problems for adolescents and adults, and work with those who have major mental illnesses such as Bipolar Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Schizophrenia, and/or a Personality Disorder.
As a group, they are supportive of, and allied with, the LGBTQ+, trans, and Gender Queer community. Provide affirmation and understanding, support, and advocacy.
Serving Connecticut in office and via telehealth.

Available Services
- Psychotherapy with empathy and compassion from a team of experts who build supportive and empowering relationships.

- Psychological Assessment, Diagnosis, Report Writing, and initial Treatment Planning.

- General Psychological and Behavioral Issues​
Depression​, Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia, Personality Issues, Anxiety, OCD, PTSD, etc. (spectrum of disorders)

- Neuropsychological Assessment
ADHD​, Autism, Intellectual Issues, Developmental Issues, Cognitive Concerns (memory, dementia, etc)

- Educational/Achievement
Gifted​, Learning Disability, Autism Spectrum, Emotional Disability

- Forensic Assessment
Civil​, Criminal, Interrogation and Confession Evidence

- Disability/Support/Accommodations
Advocacy after testing is complete, Psychiatric Evaluations and prescribing, Educational Coaching and Tutoring/Support

141 Elm Street

Phone: 203-583-9222

Web Site: